A Record Start to 2019
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Winnipeg Market Information
A Record Start to 2019
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Winnipeg Market Information
WinnipegREALTORS® Press Release, February 7, 2019WINNIPEG - January MLS® sales of 634 increased 11% over the same month last year and 8% over the 5-year average for January. Dollar volume rose 12% to $175 million. The 1,783 new listings entered on the MLS® in January also resulted in a double-digit gain of 19% compared to January 2018.“This is the best start on record for January in our local real estate market,” said Kenneth Clark, president of WinnipegREALTORS®. “However, as they say, one month does not make a year so we remain cautiously optimistic.”On a positive note, mortgage rates are remaining historically low with the Bank of Canada signaling a wait and see approach on any interest rate increases this year. Buyers have also had over a year to adjust to the B-20 mortgage regulation rules which came into effect January 1, 2018.“The noticeable bump up in new listings includes some of those move–up buyers last year that decided... |